Saturday, April 19, 2014

Why I Need the Savior

In honor of the Easter holiday, I felt compelled to share my personal testimony, or belief, in Jesus Christ. I know that he suffered in the garden of Gethsemane for all my sins, pains, and sorrows. Because He did this, I can repent of my sins and become clean; I can turn my burden over to him; I don't have to suffer in this life. He died for me, and for everyone, on the cross, so that we might all live again after this earthly life. He rose on the third day, from the tomb, a resurrected person, with flesh and bone, body and spirit. Because He did this, we too can be resurrected and gain eternal life, and live with him forever, as long as we remain worthy and righteous and do His will on earth. This is what I know to be true, because I have prayed to know. I have read the scriptures, I have sought out a personal witness of these truths. I cannot deny what I feel inside, and try my best to emulate Jesus Christ in all that I do.

Life is not easy. It was not meant to be so. But because we have a loving Father in Heaven, who was willing to send his Only Begotten Son to the earth, knowing He would go through bitter persecution and ridicule, and who would make the greatest sacrifice of all, life does not have to be as hard as we make it out to be. This is the power of the atonement. The atonement can heal all our pains, sorrows, and mistakes. We just have to turn to our Heavenly Father in prayer, and in the name of Jesus Christ we can feel peace and joy again. It doesn't mean we won't have trials or challenges--it means we need to remember we are not alone in those trials and turn to the One who can get us through them.

In my life, I could not go on each day without the Atonement. Each and every day, I pray to receive help through Christ's atonement so that I can face with joy and positivity the many challenges I face. I am never alone as a mother--Christ is with me every step of the way. Through the Holy Ghost, I can feel His comfort and guidance, as long as I remain humble and clean. When I take the sacrament each week, I am renewed as well, and commit once again to take Christ's name upon me and always remember Him.

This is what I think about as I celebrate Easter. How blessed I am to have a a Savior that lives, that loves me, and that will lift me up in my adversities. I hope we can all remember the real reason why we celebrate Easter. His resurrection means we can all be resurrected and return to live with him again one day, as long as we endure with faith and repent daily of our sins. I am so blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know it is the true church on the earth, preparing us for the Second Coming of the Savior.

Below is a video to help us remember Easter. Please watch, and I hope you all enjoy Easter with your families.

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